Tool Engineering Center

Image:Tool Engineering Center

Tool Engineering Center

5637 S.Westridge Drive New Berlin 53151, U.S.A.

TEL: +1-262-395-4354 Signup for training today! Contact to register!

Current 2025 Schedule:


Offering our customers learning courses to enhance
customer satisfaction.

We offer the following 3 courses to suit our customers’ requirements and proficiency.

Course Name **************Description************** Trainee Level Intended for Course duration
Cus-tomers Ven-dors
1) Beginners’ Course Beginners’ Course is an entry-level course for those who are just starting to learn about cutting tools, like new employees or customer support staff.
In this course, trainees will be introduced to different types of cutting tools and will also learn how to select required tools from the catalog.
New employee,
Customer support staff
1 Day
2) Basic Course Basic Course is catered for those with less than 5 years experience with cutting tools by providing an enjoyable learning experience through a mix of classroom and machine demos.
In this course, trainees will learn, in an easy-to-understand way, the fundamentals of machining on a wide range of topics for turning, drilling, CBN and milling.
★★Less than 5 years
experience with
cutting tools
2 Days
3) Advanced Course Level 3 is a mix of Classroom and Machine Demos going over several troubleshooting and problem solving techniques. Team pick selecting cutting conditions and trying on machines. Each class has a theme and focus of either Milling, Drilling, Turning or CBN. ★★★More than 3 years
experience with
cutting tools
1 Day

Please contact for detailed curriculum of the above courses.

The CRAFTSMANSHIP of Sumitomo Electric advances together with its customers.

Sumitomo Electric offers systematized tool engineering services to its
customers in order to guarantee satisfaction for their machining needs. Tool Engineering Centers have been set up in various locations for convenience of providing such services to our customers.
We strongly support our customers’ CRAFTSMANSHIP through learning
courses, test cutting and technical consultations provided at the Tool
Engineering Centers, as well as process line diagnosis and tooling proposals through customer visits.

Image:The CRAFTSMANSHIP of Sumitomo Electric advances together with its customers.

Tool Engineering Centers at Various Locations

There are Tool Engineering Centers situated at various locations around the world.